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Blagrave Nursery School

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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


The Governing Body takes on a strategic role to act as a critical friend to the School and be accountable for all its decisions. It sets aims and objectives, and agrees, monitors and reviews policies, targets and priorities.

We are currently looking for a new Parent Governor for Blagrave Nursery. If you would like to become a governor, please either contact the Nursery School (, the Clerk to the Governors or the Chair of Governors for an application/nomination pack.


The Chair of the Governing Body ensures it is conducted properly in accordance with legal and RBC delegation requirements; to ensure meetings are run effectively, focusing on priorities and making the best of time available, and to ensure all members have an equal opportunity to participate in discussion and decision-making; and to establish and foster an effective relationship with the Headteacher based on trust and mutual respect for each others roles. The Chair has an important role in ensuring that the Governing Body acts as a sounding board to the Headteacher and provides strategic direction.


The Clerk to the Governors works effectively with the Chair of Governors, the other Governors and the Headteacher to support the Governing Body; to advise the Governing Body on constitutional and procedural matters, duties and powers; to convene meetings of the FGB; to attend meetings and ensure minutes are taken; to maintain a register of members of the FGB and report vacancies to the FGB; to give and receive notices in accordance with relevant regulations; and to perform such other functions as may be determined by the FGB from time to time.


The current Clerk to the Governors is: Michelle Ablone- Judicium Clerking Services


The Chair of a Committee ensures the business of the committee is conducted properly in accordance with legal requirements; ensures meetings are run effectively, focusing on priorities and making the best use of time available; ensure that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in discussion and decision-making; and to draw up and circulate an agenda prior to each meeting.